This Postcard Thing

This partly came from conversations with my friend Chris Lott and partly from talking with a faculty about making thank you cards in a graduate class we were teaching at the time. The idea percolated, and one day I thought,

“What if I can get 12 or 15 faculty to create a short teaching tip that could fit on a postcard. And what if on the back of the postcard they could offer their email address or phone number and an invitation to connect. And, what if we gave all the cards, in a nice little set, to new faculty?”

Well, that did not work out. Yet. But what did work out was that the Learning & Teaching Collaborative I am a part of realized we have no business cards. So what if we made postcards as outlined above and put our contact into on the back?

So we did that. The three of use each made a card and we printed 50 of each. I bought a very official looking “card rack” to put them on so they sit just outside our office door.

Office pace with a table and chairs. On the wall are a couple of framed prints and a card rack. The table has some books about teaching and a plant.

There are many ways to create cards like these and many places to print them. I used Photoshop to create them and we used to print them. It was about 25 bucks for 50, plus shipping.


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